Dear Colleagues
This week we conclude with our series of posts re-introducing the GANZ Council members to the wider Gestalt Community. We hope you have enjoyed getting to know us a little more
This week it is the turn of Nathan Dick (Treasurer)
Nathan writes….
I am in the final months of completing my Masters of Gestalt Therapy with GTB. My study and research in recent years have focussed on parenting, culture, neuroscience and unresolved trauma. I am passionate about social justice and feel drawn to challenge systems of injustice and societal norms around race, gender and sexuality.
I have many years of experience working in business management. I currently work for a project supporting West Papuan people in their struggle for self-determination. I am also in the process of setting up my private Gestalt practice in Murwillumbah, Bundjalung Country (Nth NSW). I feel privileged to have the opportunity to serve the Gestalt community as GANZ treasurer.