Would you like to participate in a supportive gestalt peer process group online?
This year GANZ has been offering online support to the community of practitioners and students in Australia and New Zealand. These groups are offered free of charge to GANZ members and usually a fee of $25 for non-members. However, currently we are responding to the Co-vid 19 pandemic by offering this support free for both members and non-members for 2020.
These support groups are not training, therapy or treatment but rather offer a safe trauma informed space to practice the principles of Gestalt with peers. The groups are co-ordinated by Annie Garrety (Research Chair GANZ) and currently there are two groups of between 7-9 members who meet every four weeks at 5:30- 7:00 pm on zoom. Shortly we will be starting our third peer support group which will service those who can attend a 1:00-2:30pm zoom meeting. Again this will meet every four weeks at this time. Thus far, the participants report feelings of gratitude for the opportunity to both deepen their awareness practices and experiences as a member of a group and bond with others in support in their professional capacities. We ask that you join three and see and then the group transitions to being a closed group to allow greater development and processing. The groups will run for 12 months and then be reviewed. We have participants from Northern Territory, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and New Zealand, with some interest from Western Australia as well.
PLEASE CONTACT: ANNIE GARRETY on garretya@gmail.com for further information or jump on the GANZ website and place an order to become a member of the next support group. You may be interested in participating the new day group or in being on a waitlist for the next evening group.