Presented to GANZ Annual General Meeting (AGM), 14th November 2021 Reflecting on the past year is a sobering process of acknowledging the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has placed on ourREAD MORE
GANZ Another Call For Nominations
Dear Colleagues, Hopefully by now you know the GANZ AGM will be held on: Sunday 14th November 2021 and there is nothing you would rather do than join us! 7:30am AWST (WA) /READ MORE
GANZ 2021 AGM Information
Dear Colleague, You are invited to the 2021 GANZ AGM. The Council will report back to members and elections will be held for many positions, although some Council members who areREAD MORE
GANZ Call For Nominations
Dear Colleagues, students, The GANZ Council AGM is to be held later this year. One of the important parts will be the election. Serving on the GANZ Council offers anREAD MORE