Constellation work is a process by which family dynamics are made visible. A participant selects people to represent his or her family members and places them into a position that reflects the participant’sREAD MORE
Workshop: Family/Systemic & Organisational Constellation Intensive
This course provides the participant with an experiential, educational and theoretical background of systemic constellation work and blends it with the principles and practice of Gestalt therapy. Please see the 2018 Systemic_Structural_Family Constellation Training Flyer forREAD MORE
Welcome to 2018 Sydney GANZ Community.
As a continuation of last year’s gathering convened by Zan Goodrich, Julie Rea and Chris Wilkinson are hosting the next meeting. If you are interested in continuing to build aREAD MORE
Workshop: Depth Enquiry
Amanda Gruhn is pleased to announce her next Depth Enquiry Workshop, to be held in March 2018. Amanda has developed Depth Enquiry over a period of 6 years, following herREAD MORE