The Sydney GANZ community has started a Gestalt Interest Group which aims to meet each quarter in various parts of Sydney. Two gatherings have been held so far demonstrating the desireREAD MORE
Invitation to the GANZ Community Gathering – May 3-5, 2019 | Manly, NSW, Australia
Are you interested in participating in a novel professional development experience to explore challenging ideas using creative processes in a diverse community of practitioners on the shores of Sydney Harbour?READ MORE
News from GANZ: April Council Meeting
The GANZ Council will be meeting face to face in Melbourne on 28 & 29 April to continue working to support the development of Gestalt Therapy in Australia and NewREAD MORE
Gestalt Project Seminar at GTA. How Am I With You? Describing Relational Patterns
FYI, Upcoming Workshop information from GTA GTA look forward to presenting the 2nd Gestalt Project Seminar How Am I With You? Searching For A Succinct, Compassionate, And Collaborative Way ToREAD MORE
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