Gestalt Therapy Brisbane is presenting three outstanding workshops: 12 Oct 2018: Mind Mood and Happiness: Transforming the Self with Dr Ronald Alexander In this unique, one-day experiential professional development workshop, internationalREAD MORE
GANZ AGM – Formal notice
This communication is the formal notice of the 2018 GANZ AGM and contains the plan for the night. The GANZ AGM is also an opportunity to connect with other GANZ membersREAD MORE
Gestalt Experiential Workshop – October 2018
This workshop is based on the Paradoxical Theory of Change: “Change occurs when one becomes what he is, not when he tries to become what he is not” For moreREAD MORE
Sydney Gestalt Interest Group – Community Gathering
The Sydney Gestalt Interest Group would like to invite you to their next community gathering on Friday 5th October. Please join us for a FUN evening of community, conversation, contact andREAD MORE