Dear Constellation Community, We would like to invite you to our next- and possibly the last in 2019- one-day family and systemic constellation workshop in Maleny. This is a greatREAD MORE
GANZ Newsletter – Sep 2019
Welcome to the Sep 2019 edition of the GANZ Newsletter. Download here: GANZ Newsletter The newsletter contains: * The latest edition of the GJANZ Journal
Contemporary Psychopathology: A Gestalt Psychotherapy Approach
Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 November Dr Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb This workshop will introduce a new approach to diagnosis and psychopathology in the light of modern society through different relationalREAD MORE
Sydney Gestalt Interest Group – September meeting
The Sydney Gestalt Interest Group aims to meet once a quarter in various locations in Sydney, to create opportunity to connect with like minded Gestaltists & anyone with an interestREAD MORE