Gestalt Australia and New Zealand (GANZ) is an Incorporated Association representing the advancement of Gestalt and Gestalt practitioners in the region. The Association was formed in 1996. It began as a collaborative initiative between Gestalt training centres in Australia and New Zealand with the aim of creating a sense of community and developing consistent training standards.
GANZ carries out the following activities:
- Organises an International Conference every two years.
- Produces a peer reviewed Journal (GJANZ) twice a year.
- Disseminates an on-line newsletter.
- Provides professional development opportunities for Gestalt practitioners and other interested mental health practitioners.
- Provides support for research and academic writing
- Provides activities and networks to support and develop local Gestalt communities.
The Object of the Association is the study and advancement of Gestalt theory, therapy, philosophy and practice.
Without limiting the generality of the above the Object include the following:
(a) The publication and dissemination of such information pertaining to Gestalt theory, therapy, philosophy and practice as may be thought desirable to members and to the public
(b) The holding of regular meetings of the members of the Association
(c) Support of the continuing education of all members in Gestalt theory, therapy, philosophy and practice.
(d) The encouragement of desirable professional standards of Gestalt therapists in Australia and New Zealand.
(e) The encouragement of research into Gestalt theory, therapy, philosophy and practice.
(f) The allotment of money out of the funds of the Association for the promotion of the Gestalt therapy approach in such a manner as may be determined from time to time.
(g) The affiliation with suitabily recognised national and international Societies, Associations and other agencies.
(h) The co-operation with other agencies including Government departments
(i) The carrying out of such other things that are conducive to the attainment of the above objects.
Click here for a copy of the constitution.
GANZ is an incorporated association under the Associations Incorporation Act 1991-46 was can be viewed at Access Canberra